Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt Origin of the State.

Toulouse, 5-8 September 2005

International Conference Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. Origin of the State Toulouse, 5-8 September 2005

Following the Cracow conference (September 2002) on the origins of the Pharaonic State, it was decided that the second international conference on this subject would take place in France. We are very honored to announce that it will be held in Toulouse from 5th to 8th September 2005. The conference is opened to all the contributions concerning the prehistory and the protohistory of Egypt : - Field Archaeology - Anthropology and funerary customs - Material culture (pottery, lithic technology, bone technologyÉ) - Foreign relations and trade - Archaeology of the Delta - Archaeology of the deserts - Environment - Ethnoarchaeology - Iconography - Paleography and birth of the writing - Researches in the museums A Scientific Committee composed of personalities of the Egyptological research is charged to examine the projects of communication (oral interventions of 25 minutes in French or English, projector of slides, overhead projector and video projector). The abstracts (1 layer and 4000 signs maximum under Word format) should be send to the Organization Committee by email ( or by post at Centre d’anthropologie, UMR 8555 du CNRS, 39 allées Jules Guesde, F-31000 Toulouse. The authors of the communications selected will be informed by the organizer. The abstracts should be submitted before March 30, 2005.

International Conference Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. Origin of the State Toulouse, 5-8 September 2005

Organization Committee Béatrix MIDANT-REYNES Centre d’anthropologie UMR 8555 du CNRS, Toulouse Nathalie BUCHEZ Centre d’anthropologie UMR 8555 du CNRS, Toulouse Eric CRUBEZY Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse Jean-Philippe DELAGE Chargé de mission Stan HENDRICKX Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven Christiane PETIT Centre d’anthropologie UMR 8555 du CNRS, Toulouse Yann TRISTANT Centre d’anthropologie UMR 8555 du CNRS, Toulouse

Scientific Committee Béatrix MIDANT-REYNES Centre d’anthropologie UMR 8555 du CNRS, Toulouse Nathalie BUCHEZ Centre d’anthropologie UMR 8555 du CNRS, Toulouse Krzysztof M. CIALOWICZ Université Jagellone, Cracovie Eric CRUBEZY Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse Renée FRIEDMAN British Museum, Londres Ulrich HARTUNG Institut archéologique allemand, Le Caire Stan HENDRICKX Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven Christiana KÖHLER Macquarie University, Sydney

Postal Address Centre d’Anthropologie UMR 8555 du CNRS, Université Paul Sabatier 39 Allées Jules Guesde 31000 Toulouse (France) Email origines@
predynastic and early dynastic egypt origin of the state.

toulouse, 5-8 september 2005

international conference predynastic and early dynastic egypt. origin of the state toulouse, 5-8 september 2005

following the cracow conference (september 2002) on the origins of the pharaonic state, it was decided that the second international conference on this subject would take place in france. we are very honored to announce that it will be held in toulouse from 5th to 8th september 2005. the conference is opened to all the contributions concerning the prehistory and the protohistory of egypt: - field archaeology - anthropology and funerary customs - material culture (pottery, lithic technology, bone technologyÉ) - foreign relations and trade - archaeology of the delta - archaeology of the deserts - environment - ethnoarchaeology - iconography - paleography and birth of the writing - researches in the museums a scientific committee composed of personalities of the egyptological research is charged to examine the projects of communication (oral interventions of 25 minutes in french or english, projector of slides, overhead projector and video projector). the abstracts (1 layer and 4000 signs maximum under word format) should be send to the organization committee by email ( or by post at centre d'anthropologie, umr 8555 du cnrs, 39 allees jules guesde, f-31000 toulouse. the authors of the communications selected will be informed by the organizer. the abstracts should be submitted before march 30, 2005.

international conference predynastic and early dynastic egypt. origin of the state toulouse, 5-8 september 2005

organization committee beatrix midant-reynes centre d'anthropologie umr 8555 du cnrs, toulouse nathalie buchez centre d'anthropologie umr 8555 du cnrs, toulouse eric crubezy universite paul sabatier, toulouse jean-philippe delage charge de mission stan hendrickx katholieke universiteit, leuven christiane petit centre d'anthropologie umr 8555 du cnrs, toulouse yann tristant centre d'anthropologie umr 8555 du cnrs, toulouse

scientific committee beatrix midant-reynes centre d'anthropologie umr 8555 du cnrs, toulouse nathalie buchez centre d'anthropologie umr 8555 du cnrs, toulouse krzysztof m. cialowicz universite jagellone, cracovie eric crubezy universite paul sabatier, toulouse renee friedman british museum, londres ulrich hartung institut archeologique allemand, le caire stan hendrickx katholieke universiteit, leuven christiana kohler macquarie university, sydney

postal address centre d'anthropologie umr 8555 du cnrs, universite paul sabatier 39 allees jules guesde 31000 toulouse (france) email origines@